Friday, June 30, 2017


This hat seems to "go" with the pine-y woods.  Double thick, double green, extra warm.  Very nice.

Monday, June 19, 2017


This color of yarn is very bright!  It is an orange-y red color.  How perfect for a cheery looking hat! The yarn is thick enough to keep somebody's head warm.  Throw another log on the fire from that woodpile, please.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Wow!  This hat looks bigger than the house behind it.  I do believe that is the house where President Herbert Hoover was born.  Now, he was a big guy...and this hat is a big hat...hmmm...maybe...

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Here's a cutie.  This lightweight knit hat is perfect for the cooler Spring months.  It has a little roll brim and a pastel tassel on the top.  Some little child will look very fashionable in this hat.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


This is the Lincoln hat posing in front of the Abraham Lincoln house in Springfield, Illinois.  The hat is made from bits and pieces of yarn.  The hat (and all the yarns used to make it) came from very humble (scrappy) beginnings and became a really useful, wearable piece of wearing apparel.  Good things CAN come from simple beginnings.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


                        What a pretty color!  The tweedy knit hat looks so Spring-y.  Very sweet.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I started out knitting two hats from the same yarn in order to make identical hats for two little boys.  The bigger hat was finished first and when I got to the crown section of the smaller hat I found out I needed to add more yarn for the double layer at the ears.  The smaller hat has a greenish tone to the crown.  You know, just like brothers, some things look the same and other things look a little different.  The boys loved the hats.  Good going.

Monday, June 5, 2017


Not sure what to say here.  I like the green and yellow color combo and the four layers of yarn in the ear area will certainly keep those ears warm.  Soft to the touch, too.  Well, I guess that says it all.