Saturday, December 31, 2016


I made this hat with two different yarns.  The creamy colored yarn is soft and thick with an uneven slubby texture.  The black yarn is very soft and light weight.  Together they give a nice warmth for the ears in the cuff section and a smooth fitting softness to the brim.  It's very cute!

Friday, December 30, 2016


This hat is very warm because it has a double knit crown and the brim has three layers of yarn.  Perfect for any outdoor adventure in the cold, snowy days of winter.  Nice colors, too.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Bunch of Snow

This is a very soft hat and it is knit with chunky yarn.  The hat reminds me of soft, fluffy snow, fresh fallen on a pine branch, and yet the hat gives warmth to the head it adorns.   Toasty.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


On July 31st little Madelyn was baptized.  She wore the same pink and white dress that her mother wore thirty seven years ago on her baptism day.  I made this bonnet and matching slippers for Madelyn's very special day.  The bonnet and slippers are hand embroidered and little seed pearls are sewn in to the floral design.  The pink ribbons add to the sweetness.  How very special it is to combine her mothers dress, hand made by Madelyn's great grandmother, and the bonnet and slippers made by her daddy's mother.  Generations of love brought together for Madelyn.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Today sweet little baby Ben was baptized.  He wore the same outfit that his daddy wore forty one years ago.  And, this is a picture of the bonnet.  He looked so cute.  I couldn't help but think back all those years ago when my son wore the very same bonnet and also looked so cute in his all white clothes.  How sweet!  How special!  How precious!  How wonderfully wonderful!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


This is what my birthday hat looked like a year ago and it still looks the same way today.  Do I?  Maybe not so much but I sure had a lot of fun this past year!! Another year gone.  WOW!!  O.K., how about a big woo-hoo!!!!!  Alright.  WOO-HOO!  So, let's keep the fun train rolling down the track.  chug-a   chug-a         I think I can        I think I can

Monday, January 11, 2016


Today is the anniversary of my grandmother's birth.  When I was a girl my grandmother and I would have a birthday dinner honoring both of us sometime between her birthday and my birthday three days later.  That's a nice remembrance for me.  When I was making this hat today I was using odds and ends of yarn and my goal was just to use them up.  When I was working on the hat I was thinking that this hat wasn't pretty or feminine enough to be called AGNES but then I stopped to think about some things I remember about my grandmother.  For one thing she could make THE BEST lefse in the whole world and when Dad brought home a box of lefse, we knew grandma was working in the kitchen that day and we would all be eating lefse for lunch.  Grandma loved kids and was a highly sought after babysitter especially in her retirement years.  When she died the newspaper printed a lengthy obituary for her entitled "Grandmother to Hundreds".  So, here's the thing.....grandma was a practical woman.  I remember watching her darn socks using a wooden darning egg.  To her, socks with holes just needed repair not replacement.  My dad told me about the times when my grandmother would work with the traveling dressmaker and they would take apart worn coats and restitch them with the "new" inside material on the outside, giving extended life to the garment.  (My dad didn't like this!)  So, this hat is dedicated to Grandma B.  She would approve of the practicality of using odds and ends and I think she would get a big kick out of her granddaughter naming a hat in her honor.  It's a nice hat, grandma.  Why it's practically perfect!  Now, let's put on a pot of coffee and celebrate.  Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!  Love, Jean

Friday, January 1, 2016


It all started a year ago with this hat--THE GOPHER.  This is the first hat that I made during a year long project of knitting 365 hats.  The hats are all done now with each one bearing a name.  Most of the hats fit babies and children but I did remember that there are plenty of "big noggins" out there, too.  The hats are now ready to be donated to a mission that provides warm hats mainly for women and children.  I need a rather large box to ship all the hats to their destination.  I'm sure the hats will be much appreciated.  And, I appreciate the fact that not only did I take on this project but I stuck with it.  It wasn't always easy because my schedule changed every day and some days I felt like I was playing "catch up".  Some days I was just plain tired.  Some days all I wanted to do was sit and knit.  It was that much fun.  So, this next year I am going to concentrate on specialty hats, only.  I won't be posting every day but I will try to design special hats for special days.  You never know what you will find here.  Me either!!  Thanks for reading.  I hope you like the hats.